Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Bullies Behind The BODB Fake Sports League On Twitter

Sports websites are fun to have around. They provide you with insight, analysis, scores, and opinions on all sports. ESPN is the unchallenged king of all sports websites. Others who get honorable mentions are CBS sports and Fox sports. And after you get past those three giants, you have the community of independent sports blogsites, such as our website here. Sports blogsites are usually ran by one or two writers and a team of other writers. Our site Everything MLB Inc is ran by the founder, yours truly, Jared Pate. There are two other writers who are on the staff as well, Josey Curtis, our weekly contributor, and Chris Suddeth, our writer and future partner in the site. Two months ago I hired two other writers as well, Rick Kernan and Harry Marks. I told both of them that all they had to do was write one article per month. Rick Kernan had already written two articles for the month, but Harry Marks hadn't even written one after thirty days. I messaged him and politely told him that if he didn't write one article after another week I would have to let him go. He proceeded to curse me out and argue with me about it. Moments after that I received a message from a friend and source who informed me that Harry Marks was a fraud and that the person behind the profile was a college kid named Taylor Nussbaum. I proceeded to announce publically on twitter that Harry Marks was a fraud and that he was really Taylor Nussbaum. He began to try to pick a fight with me publically on twitter and call me a variety of filthy names and also called me a racist. Shortly after that I began getting bombarded by "friends" and brothers of his who kept telling everyone that I was racist and that this website was bad and that no one should read it. I began, along with a friend and colleague, to research where these twitter profiles were coming from. After several hours of research, we found out that they were apart of a sports league called the BODB league. We read through profile after profile of people in this league and found out that the BODB league and all its players, coaches, and trainers were all fake profiles ran by a group of college kids. The profile pictures they took were either digitally created or saved off of google. These so called players, coaches, and trainers were bullying sports writers and people all across twitter, not just myself and Everything MLB Inc. They were calling people racist and psychos everywhere. I'm posting this article to expose these jerks, as well as warn other sports blogsites and fellow sports writers. BE CAREFUL!!! Do not hire ANYONE to be a writer for your site with the names Rick Kernan, Harry Marks, Mark Tenner, Taylor Nussbaum, or Tyreke Nussbaum. They are frauds and their mission is to destroy independent sports blogsites around the web. The official twitter for this fake BODB league is @bodbl. I hope you will help me spread the word and help me expose these fraudulent jerks and get this whole fake sports league shut down! You never know, your sports blogsite may be next on their hit list if we don't work together to shut them down.      -Jared Pate

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