Saturday, January 23, 2016

One year ago... (From My Perspective)

It was a Friday, January 23rd 2015.  I was sitting watching WGN.  At the end of the sports segment, just prior to 10pm, I saw "BREAKING NEWS" in big, bold, letters.  The title on the bar said "Ernie Banks Dies." I was in a state of shock.  I could hardly believe what was happening.  I then thought to the convention held a week earlier, and I recalled that Ernie was not in attendance.  I instantly called my father, and told him to turn on any news channel.  He had tears in his eyes, as did I.  From that point, I looked at Twitter and watched Comcast SportsNet until 11. I decided it was time to call it a night, but I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to turn on every Cub fan's favorite radio station: WGN Radio 720, the station that the Cubs were heard on for nearly 90 years.  The radio host, who I do not remember, postponed everything that she had planned for her 3 hour show, and took phone calls for three whole hours.  I noticed that all the stories had no negativity in them, and I said "Because it's Ernie Banks"

Saturday was a solemn day not only to Chicago,but to the entire MLB community.  It was the top story on every newscast, every sports radio show, and in every newspaper.  I will never forget that night, and we will never forget Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks.


Send me an email to describing how you reacted to the news that Ernie Banks had passed away.  I will be sharing them on my Twitter page throughout the day. If you don't want it to be posted on Twitter, please note that somewhere in the email. 



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